All businesses compete with other businesses, and the speed of decision change activities to achieve a higher level of value is essential to success. Point-of-sales data is valuable to adjust …
This is a series of articles on the use of hybrid-data, and how publically available data can be used to yield advanced business insight. In this article, we examine a …
This is a series of articles on the use of hybrid-data, and how publically available data can be used to yield advance business insight. In this article, we examine the …
2022 國旅補助在暑假期間正式實施,在期待許久的旅遊人潮外加暑假旅遊旺季,旅遊補助能否成為了旅遊業復甦的催化劑?在補助的討論上雖然有成功掀起話題,但對於社群上的旅遊討論,並沒有真正產生正面結果,雖然如此旅宿、樂園、旅行社仍在社群上採取不同策略,來爭取更多的旅客。